Infrared Sauna 101 Pt. 1 - What is an infrared sauna?

Yes, we are going back to basics. At City Sweats, we love infrared saunas and sweat therapy, and we want you to love it too, but we also want you to understand exactly what we do and why infrared therapy is SO amazing for you!


The main difference between infrared saunas and traditional is the way the heat is created. Infrared saunas use infrared light waves which penetrate your body on a deep cellular level, reaching your muscles and tissues. In turn, your body heats from within while the ambient temperature is not uncomfortable, and/or there are is suffocating hot air, like in traditional saunas.


The use of infrared sauna has many benefits, and one of the main ones is detoxification, our saunas detox your body up to SEVEN times more than regular saunas! Sometimes our bodies are overwhelmed with stress, and outside factors, like pollution, and need help detoxing and replenishing them back to harmony. Our City Sweats founder and owner, Dee Alams, explained it, “when we sweat, we allow the body to replenish itself by reviving a sluggish circulatory system and by stimulating a lymphatic drainage response. All of which allows nutrients to flow and toxins to be expelled.”


However, detoxing and cellular level rejuvenation are just two of the MANY amazing benefits of infrared saunas. Stay tuned for our Infrared Sauna 101 Series Part 2, where we will discuss more in depth all the wonderful advantages of what introducing regular sweating in infrared saunas can so for you.


Our City Sweats sessions last 45 mins, and while most sweat in one of our cabins, while they relax to their favorite jams, some prefer our infrared sauna wrap. Same benefits, just another presentation, you can just chill while watching your fave Netflix shows in our rooms and sweat it all away.


Common Seattle… Let’s get sweaty!


Infrared Sauna 101 Part 2 – What are the benefits of Infrared Sauna?


Hello West Seattle!