Infrared Sauna 101 Part 2 – What are the benefits of Infrared Sauna?

At City Sweats we love sweating and infrared saunas, so we could go on FOREVER about the many benefits of infrared sauna to your body, health and mind. Mostly because we not only want you to enjoy, but we want you to delight yourself knowing how much goodness you are gifting to yourself, your body, mind and soul.

 In the first part of our City Sweats Infrared Sauna 101 we discussed how we differ from traditional saunas, and how our system detoxifies heats the body from within, in turn, helping it detoxify through sweat, up to seven times more. Hence, the body is able to rejuvenate on a cellular level and replenish itself to a state of balance and harmony.

But what other benefits does infrared therapy provide? It actually makes you healthier, helps you relax and helps your heart as well, WOW! Right?


Boosts Immune & Circulatory System

 That’s right! Firstly, the detox promoted by the infrared sauna light waves, causes our bodies to flush out toxins, and improve circulation, which is immediately beneficial to our circulatory system, benefits our heart and already starts boosting our immune systems. There is more…


The heat penetrates the body at such a deep level that it accelerates the cellular rejuvenation process, causing the white cell (the ones in charge of fighting infection and damaging outside agents) count to spike, creating good, healthy cells, and helping the body get rid of older, damaged cells. Without outside help, like infrared heat, our bodies can have trouble detecting and getting rid of those cells, and toxicity in general.


Stress Management

 Infrared saunas actually help you calm your mind. Sweating with us will help you clear that “mental fog.” The heat decreases Cortisol levels and increases Serotonin levels. Serotonin is the hormone in charge of making us feel happy, in charge of our well-being and our good moods, while Cortisol is the primary stress hormone.


 So what are you waiting for..? Let’s Get Sweaty USA!


Stay tuned for parts 3 & 4 of more infrared sauna benefits, coming soon!


Infrared Sauna 101 Part 3 – The Benefits of Weight Loss, Muscle Recovery, and Better Sleep!


Infrared Sauna 101 Pt. 1 - What is an infrared sauna?